Tuesday, November 24, 2020

RFA | “双十一”天猫京东销售额创新高 畸形现象难掩实体经济疲态

 中国“双十一”购物节结束。电贸商阿里巴巴透露,天猫平台最终交易成交金额接近5000亿元人民币,同比大幅增长。 有分析说,巿民释放疫情期间抑压的消费,有助加速国内国际双循环发展,彰显内需加快复苏。但有学者认为,大型网络平台销售一枝独秀,并非健康现象,中国经济是否真正反弹仍有待观察。









双十一网络销售高潮 可能反映其它通路消费力减弱










记者:高锋  责编:许书婷 梒青  网编:瑞哲

China Pushes Xi Jinping Thought as Part of College Education

By Hongshen Zhao

November 18, 2020 12:36 AM


WASHINGTON - As Chinese leader Xi Jinping continues to consolidate power, the Chinese Communist Party is working to include more of his writings and opinions as a mandatory part of country’s university curriculum.   

Beginning in the fall 2020 semester, 37 key colleges and universities across the country offered a course, "An Overview of Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics in Xi Jinping's New Era," according to the CCP’s theoretical journal, Seeking Truth. These institutions include top universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua University.      

Smaller universities across China have since echoed the call. A local news website reported on November 10 that Yantai Vocational College in Shandong province has built three teams for adding the readings to its curriculum (teaching Xi’s theory).   

In many cases, the new content, commonly called “Xi Jinping Thought,” are being added to courses that already study his writings on “the four self-confidences” that he proposed in 2016. They outline core beliefs in Xi’s socialist theory, social system, culture and road, which refers to "socialist road with Chinese characteristics."  

For decades, China’s Communist Party emphasized collective leadership as power changed hands from one chosen Communist Party leader to the next. Xi has changed this approach since becoming China’s paramount leader in 2012, concentrating power and encouraging a personality cult around himself by inserting his political writings into Communist Party and government constitutions. The government even released a smartphone app teaching “Xi Jinping Thought” that it claims is one of the most popular in China.  

Along with the focus on more ideological education, western news organizations are reporting that internal documents from Chinese universities show there are new efforts to track public opinion on university campuses.      

In one set of documents, the Heilongjiang Institute of Architecture and Vocational Technology summarized "eight risks" for political education in universities. These eight risks include foreign non-governmental organizations stepping up contacts with students, foreign “hostile elements” promoting "street politics" activities, as well as what it called weaknesses in students’ ideology and difficulties in controlling the content of teachers’ training outside the school.     

Qin Weiping, a political analyst, told VOA that taken together, these measures show how the Communist Party lacks self-confidence, and students and teachers on these campuses are not firm believers of the Communist Party’s doctrines.   

"In a sense, if the CCP is really confident, it won’t spread the four confidences in the form of documents and movements across the country,” Qin said. “It reflects the deep insecurity, the urgent crisis of governance within the ruling party's high-level ruling group. There is also doubt within the party and in society about the party's policies and the future direction of the country."

Undergraduate students and university staff wearing face masks attend a graduation ceremony in Tsinghua University, following…
Undergraduate students and university staff wearing face masks attend a graduation ceremony in Tsinghua University, following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease, in Beijing, China, June 23, 2020.

New curriculum for liberal arts degrees      

Another new Communist Party initiative at Chinese universities is aimed at modifying the current liberal arts curriculum to spread more “Xi Jinping Thought” and to "improve students' ideological awareness and moral standards."   

On November 3, the Ministry of Education issued a Declaration on the Construction of New Liberal Arts. The declaration proposed creating a new approach for teaching philosophy and social sciences that it argues would enhance the country's cultural soft power. This includes incorporating more of Xi’s writings and ideology into the liberal arts curriculum.   

In recent years, Chinese Communist Party officials have emphasized removing “western values” from Chinese curriculum, without explicitly defining which foreign writers or ideas are objectionable.  

In China’s universities, this has led some school administrators to say that some entire departments need to be restructured.    

According to Chinese media reports, Xu Xianming, an official at the Ministry of Education, stressed that “liberal arts should be shifted to be under the leadership of the Chinese discourse system and out from under the leadership of the western discourse system. China's new liberal arts doesn’t exist if the shift is not completed.”    

Jia Huixuan, a retired liberal arts professor at Peking University, disagrees with this guidance.      

“We at Peking University have always advocated inclusiveness and science and academic freedom,” Jia said. “Trying to put restrictions on academic activities is not wise."      

Others are more critical of the proposed changes.   

"Strengthening liberal arts education may be a kind of political propaganda because the Communist Party of China's liberal arts has been used by the regime … to strengthen the loyalty of the king's (leadership’s) thought," Qin said.      

Adrianna Zhang contributed to this report.




 November 2020: Weiping Qin, current student 

Weiping Qin already had a long history of volunteerism when he transferred to UMGC from Harford Community College (HCC). At HCC, Qin served as the Student Government Association President during the 2019-2020 year and was actively involved in the school's Alternative Break program, where students provide community service during their spring, summer, or winter break. These opportunities led Qin to volunteer in New Orleans, Rome, Italy, and at the National Marine Sanctuary in Key West, Florida. Qin enjoyed being part of a team that was there to help others. In addition to his community service at HCC, Qin donated money in 2019 to create the "Weiping Qin Freedom Scholarship" at Harford Community College. 

"His Holiness the Dalai Lama told me that love and an altruistic heart can make me happy and make our world better," said Qin. "I totally agree — volunteering is one important part of my wonderful life."

Qin joined the Navy earlier this year and recently participated in the UMGC Virtual FUND Run to support military veteran students. He began his journey at UMGC this past summer, where he is pursuing a bachelor's degree in management studies. In addition to his military commitments and studies, Qin is a YouTuber and enjoys being active on Twitter.

Monday, July 6, 2020


我雖然不是蘇共專家,但我能理解為什麽出身西方學術界的Waldron認為蘇共異見分 子,是理解蘇共的最好媒介。我曾先後在駐華的西方媒體和大陸企業工作過;我對中共的認識,不是在外媒做記者時開始的,而是在大陸公司工作才開始:那份工作讓我近距離觀察到大陸的政商界,我因此遇上很多迷惑我的人和事;要等到後來,通過閱讀和聽海外大陸人在YouTube上的時事評論,我原有的謎團才慢慢地逐一解開。因我依賴的那些書和評論大部分來自對中共反感的大陸人——沒別的原因,只因是他們的見解最能解釋我所認知的現實——所以我能想像前蘇聯的異見分子帶給Waldron的啟蒙。
隨著國安法的到來,我們對中共未來走向的理解,不再停留在假設層面,而是影響到我們為自己人生做的決策。如果我們相信華爾街的論調 (〈摩根大通亞太區首席執行官:中國出現「V型」復蘇跡象〉 ),或跟《紐約時報》一樣,相信疫情後中國的經濟會比美國恢復得更快,美國的經濟復蘇要靠中國,如果我們相信中共還很強大,那大部分香港人自然只想到兩個選擇:要麽移民,要麽留下了做順民,反正鬥不過中共和港共政府。但如果我們相信中共其實有脆弱的一面,而且可能離退出歷史舞台的那一天不太遠,那我們對自己人生的安排就可能會不一樣。
凡是到做關鍵的人生抉擇時,我們是不得不面對一個問題:人的認知總是有欠缺的,看不到的東西我們容易以為不存在,比如,前陣子,李克強說中國有六億人只有1000塊收入,很多人在網上留言說不相信,其實只是他們身邊沒底層的人,不代表這個人群不存在。所以,我們網羅幫我們判斷中共的虛實的資料時,要特別用心和當心。 Waldron就是當年選擇優先跟蘇聯異見分子交流,所以當蘇共倒台,跟其他西方學者不一樣,他沒感到意外。
我對中國前景的看法跟華爾街不一樣。幾年前,我就注意到一個有趣的現象:對中國前路感到悲觀,並已用腳投票、套現了國內房產換了美金並移民到海外的大陸人,會叮囑還留在國內沒打算走的人要換美元和囤糧;他們當中更有人在YouTube拍視頻(如全軍 、秦偉平 、蘇小和 、財經冷眼  ) ,呼籲還在國內的人快逃離。另外,還留在國內的沒被中共成功洗腦的人,會在社交群跟其他同樣也在國內沒被洗腦的人,討論中共垮台後社會出現混亂時,應如何保命。這些人不反共,他們只感到形勢不妙,希望政局大變的過渡期也能把家人照顧好。
留在國內的,為什麽要提前換美元和囤糧?我發覺這些警覺性高的大陸人,腦海中想心裡怕的是流亡到美國的秦偉平在《中國危機大逃亡》 描繪的場面: 
首先,高壓管制十四億老百姓七十餘年的中共高壓政權垮台後,馬上會形成一個巨大的權力真空,整個社會陷入一種無政府狀態。此時中國的社會階層結構已經發生了巨大變化,經過從債務危機到金融危機的洗禮,還有長期的經濟危機和經濟蕭條之後, 底層草根無產者可能已經超過五六億。這絕對是一個非常恐怖的數字,以前有政府高壓控制,他們只敢小偷小摸為主,現在不但經濟低迷,很多人根本是長期失業,加上這次巨大的社會危機和中共政治危機垮台的心理刺激,他們就感覺到四個字,天下大亂。他們這些流氓無產者的機會來了,時勢造英雄,說不定還會有一些有實力的地痞豪強開始做起劉邦最終做的皇帝的美夢。
- 問大家一個問題,中國如果進入無政府狀態你們會怎麽樣
- 無政府,強姦案會很多
- 無政府狀態先開始的時候,最主要的是搶劫的會很多
- 無政府,賣淫沒人管,買春就可以了,何需強姦
- 你不懂中國人的野蠻,壓抑太久了,會釋放人性的罪惡
- 但是這種情況持續不了多久
- 既然無政府了,誰敢強姦,就可以用狼牙棒敲死
- 會有小組織組織起來維持秩序的
- 然後小組織會形成大組織
- 彈弓方便,我的弩不敢拿出來
- 其實彈弓很簡單,而且威力相當不錯
- 弓弩就算了,殺傷性武器了
- 弩是大家都拼命搶糧時用的
- 不是射殺野生動物的時候麽
- 山裡打兔子
- 射腦子壞的人,不是動物
- 都到這地步了,世界已經大亂了
- 彈弓打也為,不是野豬那種大型的,其實沒問題
- 要想活著,首先你的心得死去,只去理性活,
- 當然為謀生而冒險的人也不少
- 其實我並不是想射人,弩在適當時可以換一個機會
- 話說,我書架上還有本荒野求生的書
- 我沒看過荒野求生的任何資料,我全憑自己列出的情況做選擇,再彌補相關產品知識,並選擇適合我的
- 其實就是一些基本知識,野外如何保暖取水,如何生火之類
- 野外情況出現時必是國內有戰爭了,我更多防人性黑暗面造成的傷害
- 也別囤太多,要不被老共徵用了
- 夠自己吃的,三年吧
- 其實需要的不是米是槍
- 是的,缺糧的,會光明正大地搶
- 我家有30畝小麥
- 搶太多也沒用,多了浪費,真要大多數人缺糧,你糧食也護不住
- 那我囤這麽多米怎麽燒
- 我的天
- 燒大米啊
- 還得另囤劈材
- 沒火啊
- 就是啊,還得囤柴火
- 農村不怕沒柴火,因為一直就是燒柴火
- 難道我們在小區裡搭個火坑
- 有想法
- 不怕沒電,小時候壓根就沒幾天電
- 呵呵起碼我們那裡是一半燒天然氣一半燒煤氣的農村
- 我準備下單,買了一個高配的工兵鏟
- 挖洞嗎
- 自衛吧,能保護一點是一點,保命
- 蘇小和讓買水
- 看來要買水
- 一個月的水
- 水不好存儲
- 凈水機,能殺病毒的
- 洗澡的水呢?
吳若琦的博客:https:// michellengwritings.com/
—— 原载: 香港众新闻

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