Saturday, December 21, 2019

Weiping Qin-The Student Government Association President hopes his story will help others realize the value of Harford Community College.

Weiping Qin, who was born and raised in China, says he feels honored to be a Harford student. As a new immigrant since 2013, he loves the freedom and democracy in this country and enjoys participating in activities where he can serve others. As the SGA President, Weiping serves as the liaison between students and the administration, providing a voice for the more than 18,000 students at Harford. "I try my best to help students have a successful year in their academic, social, and spiritual lives," he said.

He's also been actively involved in the College's Alternative Break program, where students provide community service during their spring, summer or winter break. "I would highly recommend our Alternative Break program to all HCC students. During spring break 2019, we went to New Orleans, and that summer, we travelled to Rome, Italy." He enjoyed volunteering and being part of a team that was there to help others. Weiping said the students who participated got a real-life education learning about different cultures, the extreme poverty that some people face, and how to deal with challenges. During the 2020 winter break, he'll travel to Key West to volunteer with the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and is looking forward to the opportunity to do something good for the environment and society, saying "Many thanks to HCC and the Office of Student Life for this program."

He is a member of the Emerging Leaders Program, which gives students opportunities to participate in leadership activities, workshops, and conferences.

Weiping believes that Harford is a smart choice because students receive a high quality college education at an affordable cost and can then transfer to a four-year university, if that’s their goal. "The door is always open to our community. You can make a difference, and you can get a solid academic and career foundation at Harford." He is especially grateful for the guidance he's received from Dr. Dianna G. Phillips, President of Harford Community College; Caitlin White, Student Leadership and Orientation Specialist in the Office of Student Life; and Academic Advisor George Budelis.

Weiping will graduate with an AS degree in Business Administration and an Accounting Certificate in May 2020. After graduation, he plans to serve in the U.S. Navy for five years and transfer to University of Maryland Global Campus (formerly UMUC) to pursue a bachelor's degree in management studies. He also plans to earn an MPA from Johns Hopkins University. "2020 will be my big year: new beginning and new challenges. I am so excited to serve in the Navy." His goal is to find work where he can provide service to the community and the country. He would like to run for U.S. Congress in 2028.

Weiping is the author of two books, China's Crisis Roadmap and Exodus from the Crisis of China. In addition, he hosts a YouTube channel, "Weiping Show," which has more than 52,000 subscribers. "I love freedom and democracy," he said. Weiping is a frequent guest on "Radio Free Asia" and "Voice of America," and is a columnist and editor for China in Perspective, an e-magazine developed as part of the Princeton China Initiative. As part of the Outstanding Chinese American Festival hosted by Cultural Media Alliance and Hello China USA, Weiping received 76.9K online votes and was named a 2018 Outstanding Chinese American. He is also the current council member of the Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars, a non-governmental organization based in Washington, DC.

Weiping firmly believes in giving back to the community. He recently donated funds to create the Weiping Qin Freedom Scholarship at HCC to acknowledge the service and support of freedom around the world. The funds are an advance from his third book, The Winners of China's Crisis; the annual scholarship will benefit HCC student leaders and veterans.

His advice to other students: "A goal without a plan is just a wish, and a vision without action is just a dream. Please keep going for your future. Find the value of Harford and try to be a better you."




秦伟平 (推特图片)
秦伟平:我在马里兰州社区大学Harford Community College念书,因为想在美国再拿学位重新开始,而且我现在做我们学校的学生会主席。无意中看到这个消息后马上就去联系那个征兵站,通过不同的测试,包括笔试、体能测试,还有背景调查。就在前几天正式的跟海军签合同,算是一个新的人生的开始。

秦伟平:我们知道美国的民主和自由其实是世界的灯塔。整个世界的形势非常的复杂。其实我也知道,比如说在未来5年美国可能也会面临军事挑战。世界范围的民主自由都在面临倒退的潮流,我认为是一定要捍卫的。我们捍卫民主自由不光是口头上去捍卫,其实行动也非常重要。就好像说你要构建和平你一定要有军事力量,强有力的力量去保证它 。这是我个人的理解。我喜欢用实际行动去做一些事情。当然如果他未来可以对中国或者世界其它地方的民主自由有一个促进作用的话,我当然更愿意看到这样的局面。

中国央视节目主持人董卿(Public Domain)
秦伟平:是的。我在2018年底宣告2028年会竞选美国的国会议员。因为我们做为一个新移民,想服务国家服务公众,我觉得比起在美国出生的人有很大的挑战。这是我为什么在美国要重新接受美国的大学教育, 包括这次有机会从军。我愿意去海军奉献,可能至少会奉献5年的时间。我其实是想在各个领域各个方向来锻炼自己,来提升自己,要了解美国社会,了解我们的社区,了解我们这个国家的现实状况。我相信这样打好基础,未来有机会的话参加竞选,然后更好地为公众服务。
(记者/责编:申铧   网编:洪伟)

Weiping Show | Interview with Dr. Phillips, President of Harford Community College 秦伟平专访菲利普斯博士(美国哈伍德社区大学校长)

Weiping Show | Interview with Dr. Phillips, President of Harford Community College
More information about Harford Community College:
2019年8月22日,秦伟平先生专访美国马里兰州哈弗德社区大学校长菲利普斯博士,她向全球观众介绍美国社区大学的起源、特点和竞争优势及美国高等教育产业发展等状况,美国目前有近1200所社区大学,超过1300万在校学生就读,是美国高等教育的重要组成部分,马里兰州有16所独立的社区大学,哈弗德社区大学超过18000名在校学生,近80个副学士学位项目,校园面积超过332英亩,师资力量雄厚。两年制毕业后,学生可以直接走上工作岗位,也可以转入四年制大学攻读学士学位,目前该校与马里兰大学、陶森大学在内的数十所综合性大学签订合作协议,特别是与陶森大学合作的2+2项目,无缝连接,成为诸多学生的省时、省力、省钱之选。 菲利普斯校长欢迎来自世界各国的学生入读,国际学生享受与美国外州学生同等学费,美国社区大学系统为社会培养各种实战型人才。

平论第四季LIVE | 六稳之稳金融,中国政府2020要准备多少现金救市?12-20-2019
