Friday, April 29, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016







Monday, April 4, 2016

自由亚洲:“巴拿马文件”引爆全球 中国政府沉默网络封锁屏蔽


日前,一家名为巴拿马莫萨克冯塞卡(Mossack Fonseca)的律师行的大量资料遭到泄漏,多达1100余万份机密文件,披露了他们如何帮助客户洗钱、逃税,涉及全球多个国家72名前任和现任的国家元首。俄罗斯总统普京、冰岛总理贡劳格松、埃及前总统穆巴拉克等均“榜上有名”,中国也有不少权贵“上榜”,包括国家主席习近平姐夫邓家贵以离岸公司在香港投资物业;前总理李鹏的女儿李小琳与丈夫刘智源在列支敦士登开设基金,并向律师行出示香港护照以避免其身份曝光;前政协主席贾庆林也被曝其外孙女李茉莉在美国攻读大学时已拥有离岸公司。









(特约记者:扬帆/ 责编:石山/嘉華)


Friday, April 1, 2016









  Despite Fukushima Daiichi meltdown, countries continue to explore nuclear power -   by Xiumei Dong on March 31, 2016 ·

  WASHINGTON – The 2016 Nuclear Industry Summit closed Thursday following remarks by the head of International Atomic Energy Agency, reminding industry leaders of the tragic Fukushima Daiichi meltdown in Japan in 2011.
The Nuclear Industry Summit attracted more than 350 industry leaders from around the world. Started in 2010, the summit – and the larger Nuclear Security Summit – are part of President Barack Obama’s initiative to secure vulnerable nuclear materials, break up black markets, and detect and intercept illicitly trafficked materials.
“There are now 442 nuclear power reactors in operation in 30 countries. Another 66 are under construction, mostly in Asia,” said Yikiya Amano, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Amano said the global use of nuclear continues to grow despite the disaster in Japan five years ago.
“Total and sustained commitment to the principle of ‘safety fist’ is a must,” he said. “Nuclear safety will always be a work in progress.”
Industry executives and experts said nuclear power is expanding in developing countries. They said security issues are crucial in these countries.
Nuclear newcomers need to expand in a coordinated, organized way, said Caroline Jorant, president of Stratégie de Développement et Réglementations Internationales. On Thursday, Jorant said that nuclear expansion in developing countries faces several challenges, including financing costly power plants, the limited technology available and the need for broad public acceptance of nuclear energy.
Jorant said most of the expansion is happening in Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern countries, such as Jordan, Vietnam, and Thailand.  As many as 148 new nuclear plants could go up in these countries by 2050.
“It a different environment,” said Howard Hall, who serves as the director of the Institute for Nuclear Security at the University of Tennessee. Hall said local culture plays a strong role in the steps taken to keep nuclear plants safe. It is critical to consider regional solutions for nuclear security, Hall said.
China has been a big player in nuclear power expansion. According to the World Nuclear Association, mainland China has 30 nuclear power reactors in operation, 24 under construction, and more due to start construction.
Some people remain concerned about nuclear safety, despite the opportunities for increased energy output and the emphasis of industry leaders on proper training, document transparency, and strong government regulation.

“China has built dozens of nuclear power plants on the southeast coast of China, as the public we are very concerned about the safety of the nuclear power plants because we the public do not have any right to participate in the counseling process of the nuclear powers,” said Weiping Qin, a leader of Youth Council of China Democracy. However, since most of mainland China’s electricity is produced from fossil fuels — predominantly coal — the advent of nuclear energy has helped reduce air pollution - See more at:


Guo Baosheng & Qin Weiping

Qin Weiping & Li Bo

No Domocracy,No Nuclear Security